The headline and the following content is an excerpt from Q&A from my fitbit mobile app. It reviews the importance and health benefits of being active hourly.

“Research shows that prolonged sitting is associated with a significantly higher risk of heart disease, diabetes, obesity, cancer, and depression, as well as muscle and joint problems. Even if you meet typical exercise guidelines, sitting for long periods of time can still compromise your health. Fortunately, moving even a few minutes every hour reduces the negative effects of sitting.”

Three sources they cite are:




Renew Your Mind

The Dimensions of Wellness encompasses many facets. So, it should be no surprise that today’s blog topic speaks to the spiritual. To have a healthy body, we need healthy thoughts, which lead to healthy words and healthy actions. I like using the Bible Scripture Romans 12:2 because it tells us to renew our minds and we will be transformed. Another verse even tells us how to do it. It instructs us to have the mind of Christ. Wow. Philippians 2:5

What is the mindset of Christ? We might use another scripture to answer that question. The scripture I’m thinking is the one that talks about the fruit of the Spirit. Whether or not you are a Bible-believing Christian, or are an otherwise spiritually “religious” person (or not), you have been taught the principles of the fruit of the Spirit, as have I. These principles are even taught in business as emotional intelligence (EQ or EI).

Okay, “the fruit of the Spirit are: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness and faithfulness.” Galatians 5:22

Embedding these behaviors in our thoughts and minds should cause us to practice them. Think about for a moment. What would the world, or our personal environment, look like, feel like, if we each adopted the fruit of the spirit? It would be an amazing place. No crime, no hunger, no poverty. Peace and joy. Love would rule the day. Wouldn’t it be grand?

Let us each intentionally grab these nuggets of truth and practice then daily. We will encounter challenges of opposition along the way, but the more we integrate them into our lives, the more others will change around us. Let’s make a difference.